Twenty-One Ideas

Tell our elected governments to pass the following laws:

  1. The highest paid person in a publicly held corporation or group of corporations cannot earn more than 25X as much as the lowest paid person.
  2. Bonuses paid by publicly held corporations must be paid to all employees of the corporation on a proportional, pro-rated basis.
  3. Limits on the rate of return and dividends paid to shareholders with the over limit amount paid out to the employees of the corporation
  4. Corporation are not persons under the law, they are not entitled to rights of the individual
  5. Publicly held corporations cannot own land
  6. The publicly held corporate tax rate can never be below 50%
  7. The maximum corporate political donation cannot exceed $100,000
  8. Publicly held corporations are not permitted to lobby the government.
  9. Banks cannot be publicly held corporations.  Financial services are to be provided by public banks, credit unions and privately held (with limits) corporations.
  10. Banks are an essential service for the convenience of facilitating financial transactions.  Profits are secondary. Excessive profits are to be returned to the consumer through lower service fees. 
  11. No individual or corporation is permitted to own more than 6 media outlets and their aggregate coverage cannot be more than 20% of any defined boundary i.e. city, state, province, county.
  12. Corporate Directors and Executives can be held criminally responsible for the actions of the corporation.
  13. Personal tax rates start very low for low income and increase exponentially as income increases
  14. All personal income above $400,000 per year to be taxed at 90%
  15. Consumer credit not secured by assets is not permitted, in case of default the lender must repossess assets and accept them as payment in full, to settle the debt
  16. Privately held corporations, those with 7 or less shareholders, are entitled to all the rights and privileges as afforded to any group of individuals.
  17. Privately held corporations may only lobby the government on behalf of their principle activity or industry which produces products or provides services to the public.
  18. Privately held corporations may own shares in publicly held corporations but not vice versa.
  19. All privately held corporations will be subject to a donation fee tax of 10% on taxable corporation income.
  20. Distribution of after-tax income from a privately held corporation to any of its shareholders will be deemed the personal income of the recipient when received but taxed at a preferential rate.
  21. A privately held corporation is not required to distribute its income in any given time frame, it is solely at the discretion of the shareholders.