This article is incomplete, there is a lot missing, amounts and numbers stated are for demonstration and example only, not all connections are made. I do not do this for a living. I put down as much as I could in the time I had. I am like most people, scrambling for a buck, living hand to mouth.
When I find time to add more, I will address the questions and issues raised most often and expand the topics. Additions will be marked with the date of entry.
There will be no response to any emails, they will be read, then deleted.
No Facebook, no twitter, no social media connection, no interactive webpage, no address
No subscribers or followers will be accepted
If you wish to contribute towards furthering these ideas and helping me buy the time to write more, it would be appreciated.
There is no online payment system, no PayPal, etc. It would be hypocritical to use the services of the very corporations that are the problems. Also, all online services engage in tracking and data collection.
e-transfers to would work. A follow up email with the time it was sent, amount and password would be required.
Raising Capital
Most of the liquid capital (cash, etc.) is in the hands of the working class. If someone is worth $80M it does not mean they have $80M in the bank. If they wanted $80M in cash, they would need to sell assets. Their capital power comes from being able to borrow large sums of money from banks. Collectively the working class has an immense amount of cash on hand. If we say that 10% of the people comprise the elite, that would around 40M people in North America. If the other 360M all contributed $10 each, that would total $3.6 billion. That is only a one-time contribution, $10 per month would be over $40 billion a year. That is enough to buy our own media corporation and start publishing news to inform the people, not the stories the 1% want us to hear. We could collectively buy the 1% in a few years.